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Boxing Day



Boxing Day, celebrated on December 26th, is a traditional holiday in the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth that continues the festive spirit of Christmas with an emphasis on relaxed, less formal gatherings and food. A significant aspect of Boxing Day food is the utilisation of Christmas leftovers to create vibrant and festive dishes, often served as a buffet. It’s a day for dishes made in advance, providing a welcome relief to the cooks, and a time to enjoy savoury pastries like the iconic Sausage Rolls, a traditional favourite on this holiday. These rolls, encapsulating sausage in delicate pastry, are a testament to the historical tradition of utilising leftovers and continue to be a beloved part of the Boxing Day culinary experience. Furthermore, the festive feast often includes other staples such as hams, pies, Christmas cake, and mince pies, contributing to the vibrant and celebratory atmosphere of Boxing Day gatherings.

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