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Home > Recipes > Turkey Schnitzel

Turkey Schnitzel

Breaded turkey escalope, herb butter, garlic and rosemary roasted potatoes. Quick Cumberland sauce.



  • Turkey escalopes
  • Sage and onions stuffing mix
  • Eggs
  • Flour
  • Parsley
  • Chives
  • Butter
  • Garlic
  • Rosemary
  • orange
  • New potatoes
  • Redcurrant jelly
  • Frozen cranberries
  • Red chilli
  • Ginger 


  1. Par boil your new potatoes and drain, allowing all the moisture to come away.
  2. In a roasting tray, add some oil, crushed garlic cloves and roughly chopped rosemary, then the slightly crushed new potatoes and roast for 20 mins at 180º, season well with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat your redcurrant jelly in a sauce pan with the juice from an orange, finely diced ginger, cranberries and very finely diced chilli. Reduce to a glaze.
  4. Take your turkey escalope and flour egg and crumb (use stuffing mix in place of breadcrumbs).
  5. Deep fry at 160º until golden,
  6. Pile the potatoes on the plate, cut the turkey in half and serve the sauce on the side.

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